Onion shampoos seem to be currently the “panacea” to ensure not only the care of our hair but also to avoid common problems such as hair loss, so we will now explain in detail, what are the advantages of onion shampoos as well as if they have any drawbacks.
Advantages and disadvantages of onion shampoos

Any hair product that is natural seems to be experiencing a boom nowadays, but in the same way that we can find advantages and disadvantages in sulfate-free shampoos, those that base their formula on onion will also have their “pros” and “cons”, even if the advantages outweigh the disadvantages.
In fact, it is enough to do a little research on the properties that onions have beyond the benefits for our body when we introduce them in our diet, to discover that long before onion-free shampoos came on the market, such as Dalire’s onion sulfate-free shampoo, there was already the “grandmother’s remedy” of making an onion juice at home to apply it on the hair because it has many benefits.
But what are the specific advantages of onion or onion shampoo for our hair? We list them below, one by one:
Advantages of onion shampoo
Onion shampoo is very good for nourishing the hair follicles and helps restore lost nutrients to the scalp.
One of the main properties that onions have is that they are rich in sulfur, so it is a remedy that is characterized by minimizing breakage and thinning hair. An advantage that we will find then in the onion shampoo is that it will also serve to prevent hair breakage or weakening.
Using a good onion shampoo will also help to reduce inflammation of the scalp. In fact, onion has powerful properties that improve blood circulation, which will also help hair grow faster. In addition, thanks to its antibacterial properties, onion shampoo will also help us to fight scalp infections.
This in turn helps reduce hair loss as scalp infections can cause massive hair loss. They are naturally potent antioxidants, so they help reverse the effects of premature aging.
Let’s not forget that thanks to the use of an onion shampoo we will make our hair shiny and silky, because this vegetable brings a healthy shine to the hair, which can become permanent if we use our shampoo regularly.
Finally, and although this is not so often mentioned, washing your hair with an onion shampoo will make your hair uninhabitable for lice. In addition, it will also serve to get our hair to regain volume and even its regular use can be a good remedy to combat dandruff due to those rich antibacterial properties that we mentioned above.
Inconveniences of onion shampoo
We have already seen all the advantages that onion shampoo has for our hair, and although many people do not hesitate to make use of it mainly because it prevents hair from falling out, it is also important to note that there is a belief that being a shampoo whose main ingredient is onion, and given that this usually has a fairly strong odor it seems that this will be the problem or disadvantage that we will find after washing our hair with a shampoo that has onion in it.
However, it will be a matter of knowing how to choose the right onion-free shampoo with which to wash our hair. In some cases you may notice the strong smell of onion, but in the specific case of Dalire’s onion sulfate-free shampoo, we have to say thatthis “problem” does not occur, since this shampoo uses onion extract, so it benefits from the advantages mentioned above without the smell being noticeable. In addition, this shampoo uses other natural ingredients such as grapefruit and burdock and all this results in a very pleasant smelling shampoo.
On the other hand, however, there are many people who say that onion shampoo does not stimulate hair growth or stop hair loss, but the truth is that the antibacterial properties of onion make this ingredient perfectly suitable for this purpose. Perhaps the problem is that we think that as soon as we wash our hair with an onion shampoo we will notice that it will start to grow miraculously and at a good pace or suddenly, the hair will stop falling out when in fact it is not like that. We must be patient and wait at least a couple of weeks for the scalp to begin to swell, stimulate circulation and thus our hair will improve, and grow progressively and more if we stop the fall that occurs regularly (we usually lose an average of 50-100 hairs per day) is not so exaggerated.
Finally, and this will be a disadvantage also quite relative, we have to say that normally the onion shampoo is a product that is usually somewhat more expensive than any conventional shampoo, but the truth is that its price is not excessively high. In fact, any shampoo that avoids sulfates, or parabens and silicones and opts for natural ingredients such as onion, will always be more expensive, but as we say, never something that is a reason to avoid buying an onion shampoo, since the result and benefit that is achieved for the hair is much greater than the fact of paying a few euros more.